Before I recently put myself on a spending-moratorium-lock down (that's not a real expression, nor grammatically correct, but shows you I mean business. I think. I hope), I purchased my first bandage dress of the season, which I was extremely excited about. Bandage dresses are huge right now, but are sleek and understated enough to get several seasons' wear out of, regardless of trend changes.
My own new frock is an Alice & Olivia bandage mini-dress, but had I the coinage, I would have gone straight to the master, Hervé Léger:
'Nadia' bandage slip dress. To die for. It does not get sexier than this! I usually shy away from clothing that's flashy or over-the-top, which makes wearing the occasional statement dress even more fun. If I had my pick, this is the one I'd go for.
'Elaine' sculped strapless dress. Modern and flirty, this would be a great party dress.
'Estelle' sculpted slip dress. White and black is such a striking combo, and I like that there's just a hint of black detailing around the bodice.
*All photos courtesy of Intermix.
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